Friday, March 27, 2009

About LInC

Happy Gudi Padwa to all our readers!!!
We are indeed happy to host our LInC's Offical Blog on this auspicious day!
The library which is a heart of all academic activities of the college, has housed a qualitative and quantitative collection on varied subjects. Thus the LInC is often being referred by Members of Borad of Studies, Subject Experts (for preparing articles/papers/presentations), Research Scholars etc. The LInC supports junior, degree, masters and doctoral degrees/courses. The LInC has helped in establishing department libraries. Presently the LIC has collection of around 37,000 books, 2,100 CD-ROMs and 130 journals and 55 online journals. The renovated reading hall was inaugurated by Minister of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra and the new Cyber Café and the computers with OPAC facility was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai in 2008. The LInC is fully automated and has introduced Open Access System and two terminals are dedicated for OPAC where in the students and teachers retrieve the bibliographic details of the documents to locate the books. It also provides Wi-Fi facility, Free Internet Facility, access to award winning films, language lab materials, and cartographic materials.
For further information about our services and activities, the students, teachers, LIS professionals and remote users can contact the Librarian on