Saturday, December 14, 2013

Researchers Successfully Complete COIST Certificate Programme

Ten research scholars of four universities successfully completed COIST Certificate Course on 14th December, 2013. The Course is one of teaching and learning programmes devised by our LInC.

The researchers were trained on effective use of various online discovery tools by eminent experts in Library and Information Science professionals. 

For memorable moments, click here

10th One Day Training and Mutual Learning Programme

Our Library organised one-day Training and Mutual Learning Programme for Engineering College Librarians.

Ms. Janice Fernandes of St. Xavier College of Engineering and Ms. Chinmayee Bhange St. Francis Institute of Technology availed the training on best practices in library, use of innovative technical devices, undertaking teaching and training programmes by the library etc. 
The Librarians also helped us learn about their ideas and experiences with their engineering libraries. The training programme opened up lot of avenues for mutual resource sharing of expertise and inforramtion resources as well.   

IMC Team Inspects and Applauds Our Library Services

The inspecting team from Indian Merchant's Chamber in response to our application for Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award visited our Library on 29th December, 2013 and interacted with the library staff. 

The team's objective inspection made us feel elated as we came up to the standards set by the inspecting body. Their visit to our department was indeed fruitful and a memorable experience.